Housing, food and slow roads as reinvented commons
Land has been privatized, parceled and marketed for more than two centuries. And for a while there are timid attempts to stop or reverse that process – think of rent, social housing, nature restoration or urban renewal. In this book, the authors show practical examples in which people act jointly when the public authorities and the market fail. The initiatives soften the effects of marketing. At the same time they collide with the ‘absolute’, legally anchored right to property, or for new privatization. If you have questions about shared ownership or right of use, you will end up at the commons: cultural and natural resources used and managed by citizens. ‘Op Grond van Samenwerking’ collects contributions from various Flemish experts on commons, and starts from the INDIGO project. This book is aimed at a broad group of practitioners who are looking for new, more solidary ways to manage land.
Op Grond van Samenwerking can be ordered with Oikos by transferring €20,- + €4,- shipping costs to bank account number BE29 0015 9877 0164 (BIC: GEBA BE BB) of Oikos vzw with reference ‘title of the publication’ and your address (only Belgium).

Op Grond van Samenwerking. Dirk Holemans, Pieter Van den Broeck, Annette Kuhk et. al. Publisher EPO in collab with Oikos, 2018.
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